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June Mission Partner Spotlight

Pillar Church of Topsail (Joshua & Brittany Brown, Paul & Aimeé Bailey, John & Maggie Tolleson)

  • Rejoice with Pillar Topsail. God has faithfully brought many visitors to their church and blessed the church more abundantly than they could have ever asked.

  • Pray that Topsail would remain consistent at community engagement, and that they would see the lostness of their area impacted with the Gospel of Jesus, through their church.

  • Pray about a meeting space for their church. They still gather in a community center, and currently have no new leads. But also rejoice in what God is doing even when their gathering place seems like it isn’t ideal. Our Heavenly Father is in control and He works in unlikely circumstances.

  • Pray for unity to abound, for the Word to be exalted, and for growth numerically and spiritually!

  • Pray for this PCS season as a few families will be leaving this Summer. This is always a hard time for a church in a military context as well as the families that stay behind. Please pray they will navigate the summer season with patience and grace.

  • Pray for transitions and changes at Topsail. Pray that the Elders will be filled with wisdom and humility as they navigate sending out a church plant as well as one of their Elders who is leaving on a deployment.

  • Pray for their Elder nomination period this Summer, that it would go smoothly and that they would have many qualified men who are ready and willing to step into leadership positions within the Church

The Bridge Fellowship Tokyo (Joey & Yisel Zorina)

  • Pray for The Bridge Fellowship, that there would be a culture of open honesty and joyful repentance as hearts are renewed by the Gospel of grace.

  • Pray for Gospel-resilience for Joey and Yisel as they minister, especially for Yisel as she is constantly in pain with fibromyalgia and scoliosis.

  • Pray for discipleship in their community. As Tokyo is a highly transient city, stability in the church community is difficult when they are always sending out people. Pray that as they send out key people in July that more discipleship relationships would form and grow and God would send people to do the work of the ministry.

  • Pray for conversions and the joy of celebrating new life in people’s hearts. They mourn not having seen any new professions of faith since 2020.

  • Pray for The Bridge Live, their outreach to Jazz musicians in their area, as they have lost the momentum that they had during their first few years as a church plant, due to recent shortage of personnel and resources.