


(The first five statements are adapted from Acts 29 Distinctives)

    • We are passionate about gospel centrality. The gospel is of first importance – the centerpiece of the Christian faith. We look to Jesus as our rescuing King – He is the unrivaled hero of our family.
    • We enthusiastically embrace the sovereignty of God’s grace in saving sinners.
    • We recognize and rest upon the necessity of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit for all of life and ministry.
    • We believe the great commission compels us to plant new churches and we willingly send away people and resources for the establishment of new churches and the spread of the gospel. 
    • We seek to plant churches which view the work of the Holy Spirit as the only hope for healthy church growth. In doing so, we partner with Gospel to Okinawa and the Praetorian Project.
    • We embrace a missionary understanding of the local church and its role as the primary means by which God chooses to establish his kingdom on earth. 
    • We are deeply committed both to the fundamental spiritual and moral equality of male and female.
    • We are led by a team of pastors – the New Testament refers to them as elders – men who are called, equipped, and qualified to serve Christ’s church.
    • We believe Jesus has called all of his children to be ambassadors and to spread the gospel in their lives through the guidance and equipping of the Holy Spirit. As such, we encourage our family to see themselves as missionaries to the people in their lives, not assuming mission work is only for pastors. 
    • We submit to our Father’s voice in his Word, which serves as our authority in all things.
    • We are not a perfect church. We are a messy collection of rescued-in-rebels, in need of tons of grace from the Father, and from each other.



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