Baptismal Identity

Sunday, June 12, is known as Trinity Sunday. On Trinity Sunday we remember and celebrate the doctrine of the Trinity, that is, we worship one God in three persons; Father, Son, and Spirit. For many reasons, the doctrine of the trinity matters deeply to followers of Jesus. A primary reason we love the doctrine of the Trinity is that our identity is anchored there. Our baptism, or initiation into God’s family, reminds us of this. We are baptized into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, indicating our relational union with them. United with Father, Son, and Spirt, every aspect of our identity is derived from them. In other words, when we seek to discover who we are as people, we look first to our baptism, which immediately points us to each member of the Trinity. We call this our baptismal identity, and rehearsing that life-giving identity is one very big reason we love celebrating Trinity Sunday.